Snail acting weird



We just got a Large zebra snail on Sat. He has been stuck to one of my powerheads since I have been home (6 hours now) and has not moved. I touched him and it almost seems as if his shell is seperating from his body. He is still stuck to the powerhead though. I don't want to mess with him but I an kind of concerned. If he is still suctioned does that mean he is still alive? I was wondering if he passed because of the shell being kind of loose.


Active Member
Remove it from the powerhead and then get a sponge of some sort to cover the intake! They can not get themselves back off a powerhead. By this time, it is possible it has died. The shell might very well be loose because he was stuck to the powerhead. Any time you see an animal stuck to one (which hopefully if you get a sponge or something won't happen again) it should be removed ASAP.


He moved yesterday. He was there for a long time though. He was not over the intake. He was on the side of the powerhead. I am wondering if he likes it because it is warmer? He seems fine though. Quite strange. Thanks for your response. I will cover the intake though. Thanks for the suggestion on that.


Active Member
Ah, OK, I thought from the thread that it was stuck on there - as is very common. But the sponge or something is a very good idea to cover them anyway...will prevent it in the future if you have anything that likes hanging out near powerheads. What is the temperature in the tank?

bang guy

Here's a list of common Snail maladies:
Osmotic shock from improper acclimation. This can take up to a month to show up.
Copper poisoning.
Improper temperature for the species.
Salinity lower that 35ppt.


The temp of my tank is about 78. Salinty is alright. The only thing abnormal is my nitrates are quite high. I am in the process of trying to remedy that.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Here's a list of common Snail maladies:
Osmotic shock from improper acclimation. This can take up to a month to show up.
Copper poisoning.
Improper temperature for the species.
Salinity lower that 35ppt.

Bang - would you add drowning from being upside down and not being able to flip back over?


One more thing...Are snails nocturnal? He stays put during the day mostly but when I turn the lights on in the morning he has moved all the way across the tank. He is alive no doubt about it. He has moved around a bit since I have been home from work. He jsut doesn't move much when I see him.

bang guy

many types of Snails are nocturnal. I don't know about Zebra Snails because I don't know what those are.