Snail Babys..!


I found that my snails have multiplied. I just found maybe a dozen little baby's in addition to the 3 I already had. How many is too many for a 55gal?
Just don't want them to starve if that is possible..

bang guy

It depends on the snail. No more than one Strombus alatus but you could keep hundreds of Stomatella varians or thousands of Vermetus vermetid.


what kind of snails are they?
because some will end up bigger than others
but i personally think that the more the better

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,a little over a year ago, I purchased a piece of live rock, which had a Limpet snail on it that laid eggs. Those eggs developed into more limpet snails, which laid more eggs . Now I have plenty of baby limpets that keep my lr clean . I often find plenty of baby limpets inside of my wet/dry filter
. What's interesting to me is,you won't see them until the lights go out,that's when they emerge from the lr . Then the limpets retire back inside the lr as the daylight approaches

bang guy

Originally Posted by woodwalker
They are turbo snails.
It would be unusual for Turbin Snails or Astrae Snails to reproduce in an aquarium. Not impossible, but unusual.
It's probably a hitchhiking snail that you may not even have known you had.