Snail Death


New Member
Help...16 of my 20 turbo snails died within 48 hours...I bought an invert package from saltwater fish (very happy with the package)and everything has lived but the snails.
Yes, I am sure they are dead.
No, nothing picked at them.
Yes, they were right side up and on a surface they could adhere.
Yes, they were slowly introduced to the tempature and salinity of my water. (like the instructions)
176 gal tank
Temp 76
Salinity 1.022
nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrate < 20
Thank you in advance for your helpful replies.


Active Member
Don't know why so many died. I think your salinity is a little low, but if you acclimated them slowly that shouldn't have killed them. What else is in your tank? Do you test for pH? Do you use RO/DI water? Any more info might help us figure this out.


New Member
Thank you for the help....
PH is 8.5 and I am using RO water. The only fish are two tomato clowns and one scooter blenny.


New Member
I am in to the President's brother and in the forth largest state.
I wonder if I need Anthrax Infection Control precations for my fish? :eek:


I, too, have had a lot of trouble keeping large Turbos, etc., alive after aclimaton. I was referred to an online article (which I have since lost) and realise now how DELICATE snails are. I would suggest reading on acclimation/maintenance procedures.
In short, snails are tough to keep for anotomical reasons.


At first, I couldn't keep a snail alive for
more than 2 weeks. So my LFS recommended I
increase the oxygen. I bought an air stone
and leave it on. Now I have the 2 same
Turbos in there for 3 months now and they're


New Member
Thanks for the information....I will have to research more about the snails...The remaining four snails are doing fine (not dead and eating.


New Member
I'm curious what else was in your clean-up package? If they include hermit crabs then they are likely killing many of your snails.


New Member
I know the crabs did not kill the snails because they never moved from the spot I put them (except four) and I watched almost non-stop for 24 hours after I got the package. I am now thinking that most the snails were dead when the arrived or died very shortly after they arrived because of the way the other four move and act. :(


If it is of any comfort, I bought a "mini" clean-up crew from my LFS and ALL of the 11 snails died within the week. Some were fine for up to 3 days and then, DEAD, all of them. All acclimated very slowly. Very frustrating. Very smelly.
All water levels PERFECT (until 7 died in one day, then had a tiny ammonia spike).
I have another batch of 12 snails from this site and all but one are still alive and doing very well.
The crabs didn't bug any of them until they were already dead.
So, what can I say? Better luck with your next snails? Yep, that's about it! :rolleyes:


Active Member
Turbos have been a mystery to me too.
I have one that has ridden out two complete cycles....and another that died three weeks after I got him for no apparent reason.
I have given up on turbos- except for the one that refuses to die.
Astreas and Ceriths have done great in my tank and the Ceriths have laid eggs many times - I have seen a couple babies moving around.
[ October 05, 2001: Message edited by: fender ]


New Member
Mr. Sammy Stingray
They were all right side up on rocks and I have never had any medication in my reef tanks.