Snail died any idea why??


one of my snails died today. It was one of two in my 75 gallon aquarium. my ammonia is 0, ph 8.2, nitrite-0,nitrate-80. since i only had 2 i dont think it could have starved unless it just wasnt eating, but it had been moving all around the tank.


Hmm..what is your salinity? I know invertebrates are sensitive to post that and your nitrAtes are 80!!!! wow are u still cycling?:nope: And sorry for your loss


Active Member

Originally posted by shikey70
what kind of snail is it? Some can't flip back over.

and drown


It was a red turbo snail. when i looked at the tank before i left for a while it was sitting in the back of the tank on the sand, and was sitting right side up. I didnt think much of it until i got home and it was still in the same spot. I pulled it out and it was all shrivled inside. It has been in there for more than a week and i have another one thats been there for 3 weeks.


Active Member
do you have hermits? if so, and there was a snail in there, it wasnt dead yet. they are very efficient at cleaning out snail shells. Turbos should be on the glass tho, and if they are in the sand, if fell.
Some snails can go up to 3 years, dormant without eating even.


New Member

Originally posted by fshhub
and drown

Are you mocking me? Its true that some types of snails can get stuck upside down. If left like that, they will die. In this case though, it was probably the nitrAtes being at 80. Thats pretty high, I'd start doing some big water changes before other thing start dying.


Active Member
no, i am not mocking you, that is what happens, they fall fof the glass, onto thte sand, land upsice down and basically drown before they can get flipped back over


My turbos go other places besides the glass...They plow algae on my sand bed, they clean my LR too. My Turbos also have been know to sit for a day or two also. At least during the day. I'm not sure what they do at night while I'm sleeping. I wouldn't be concerned if he doesn't move for a day or so. Although I've never seen a dead one either.

i like fish

I'm confused now. I have had snails land upside down and die. I figured they starved to death, or were weak already for some reason. Maybe just old age??
But, if a snail can go dormant (wich I agree with), why wouldn't they go into that state after landing upside down?
I know they can "breath" upside down because I see them crawling on the underside of LR.
My theory is that they are just dying from natural causes, and land upside down.
I flipped one over a month or so ago and 10 minutes later, it fell off the rock and landed upside down again. Fixed it again and walked away. Later that day it was upside down again getting cleaned up by crabs.
I don't think we need to assume something is wrong just because a snail died. I wonder what their lifespan is in the wild.
Astreas are the worst for flipping over I think.


A LFS told me they only last about 6 months. I don't know if I believe that because two of mine are at least 6 months old.


Hey my turbo snail died as well. It was flipped over and my peppermint shrimp was picking at it!