Snail dying problems


I have had a couple of bouts of new shipments of turbo astrea snails die a few days after arrival and am wondering if a Fancy Nassarius Snail or Sand Shifting Starfish could possibly be the culprits. Water parameters are good and temp is always around 77 degrees. 110 gallon reef with 20 gallon fuge and 30 gallon sump.


how are you acclimating them? you should drip them for atleast 2 hours or so.
Post all params? and SG reading


as long as the params, SG and temps stay constantly the same then that is not the problem, are they falling off the rocks or glass because they cannot turn themselves back over? do you have any hermits in your tank?


well then I am out of ideas, sorry I couldn't be of better help. I am going to follow this thread and see what ideas anyone else has.


Active Member
Have you ever used copper or tested for copper (eg it often gets in without our knowing it from source water or fittings).
No, neither the nassarius (assuming that is what they are) or a sand sifter starfish (assuming it is the common one in the hobby) are the culprits.
What was the specific gravity of the water they came in? Was the package reasonable - temp wise - when you opened it?