Snail Euthanasia?


I have a Trochus snail that has appeared ill for the past week or so. Found him laying on the side of his shell one morning, mostly retracted into the shell. Picked him up and he didn't move, so I figured he was dead. I set him on top of a rock and figured I'd deal with the disposal later 'cause I needed to get to work. When I got home he hadn't moved from where I placed him, but when I went to pick him up, he was clinging to the rock and didn't want to give up his piece of real estate. Yaaaay! Not dead! Over the past week I've found him laying on his side a few times and not moving around much at all, so it's likely he's not eating. I've seen him topple over when another snail was crawling on him. When he's been knocked over he makes no effort whatsoever to get himself upright again; he just stays tucked up inside his shell.
Am I correct in my assumption that he's terminally ill? And if so, is there a humane way to put him out of his misery, or do I just wait for him to die on his own?


Active Member
How long have you had him? You never can tell for sure so I would let him die or live, let the choice be his. I am assuming you have a cleanup crew? If you do you will know when he dies because all that will be left will be his shell. I see no problem at all letting nature take its course and allowing him to become food for the other members of the tank.
Just my opinion though.


I've only had him for about a month. I got a small crew of snails to take care of the algae that grew while the tank cycled. As of right now, snails are the only critters I've put in the tank (I'm going very slowly with this--you could say I'm moving at a snail's pace
). I plan on adding more lr and sand before I add any more critters, but maybe I'll consider adding to my cleaning crew sooner!
Thanks for your answer!


Active Member
unless you pick it up and KNOW it's dead, just leave it in there. and you will know it is dead by the smell knocking you out :)
it may not be the type of snail that can right itself also.


Active Member
Is this the only snail showing these signs? It is a concern of mine, because the symptoms are sometimes characteristic of heavy metal toxicity.
What are the parameters in your tank as well?
Just to be sure....


Originally Posted by ophiura
Is this the only snail showing these signs? It is a concern of mine, because the symptoms are sometimes characteristic of heavy metal toxicity.
What are the parameters in your tank as well?
Just to be sure....
This is the only snail out of 7 displaying these behaviors.
Temp 74-77


Active Member
Copper levels? Iodine levels?
What are you using for your water? Tap or RO water?
I share Ophiura's concern that this could be a sign of something bigger going wrong.


Originally Posted by TheGrog
Copper levels? Iodine levels?
What are you using for your water? Tap or RO water?
I share Ophiura's concern that this could be a sign of something bigger going wrong.
I haven't checked copper or iodine levels. I use premixed saltwater from lfs (they use RO water with Tropic Marin) and RO water whenever rinsing anything that goes into the tank.


Active Member
I would not worry about heavy metals if your buying it premixed from the shop. Its not uncommon for those snails to fall off a rock or glass side and land in a position and not be able to right themselves. I seen then lay like that many times and its normal. Lots of them are not very active at all, and wear themselves out trying to right themselves. Let it alone and watch it. I have had them set in thr same place for days at a time..........and they have not died yet......and that was months and months ago.


Active Member
If this is only one snail out of several I am not really concerned. It happens. If you start seeing more with this behavior -almost seeming to be paralyzed, then I would be concerned.