snail id on clam?


Active Member
yes, I would remove it and check for others. Although pyramellid snails are typically white, there is no guarentee that they dont come in different colors as well.


Active Member
I guess I am blind when I am tired, but I dont see a snail---can you give me an area to look at. Just curious what a pyramellid snail looks like for reference. Thanks


would you know what the snail would of came in on?, i have not added any new rock for about 2 years, all i added to my tank within the last couple of months were some frags. the body and underside of the snail look just like a limpet, but a diffrent color. that was the first snail i have seen that loked like that. he was on the clam shell and within minutes he was on the rock wich made it pretty easy to get off.


I have a kuzzillion of stomella in my tank and i can pull them off?????????? and i am not that didn't mean to be rude if i was:D


Active Member
you can't usually remove permedal snails (spelling) with your hands so i would say he is a stomella
Pyramid snails are very easily removed. You bump them and they fall. They are also white, they look like rice.


Active Member
I agree, they fall off too easily in my opinion, they end up falling into the sand where I can't find them instead of being able to grab them and remove them from the tank. I lost my last clam to these snails.