Snail Id/Potential Killer


Active Member
This guy has quadrupled in size since i set up my 50 gallon tank and i think i saw why this morning. He was sitting on top of my astrea snail like a hermit crab would if it was trying to get at its shell. I thought he might be a conch since i had a crap load of algae in the tank but this behavior would explain my dwindling snail population. He has since moved off of the astrea and we'll see if the astrea is still alive when the lights come on. He is strickly nocturnal and I rarely see him moving around during lighting hours. Sprungs invert book suggest its a tulip snail but his explaination and the picture are vague at best. Only thing i have going for me is the shape of the snail compared to mine, BUT mine is completely different colored..... Let me know snail experts.


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another closer shot sorry its dark. If anyone wants to take it and lighten it and repost please by all means.


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I guess i should add he does have a little tube that comes out when he travels around. A little feeler like a conch might have. Thats why im so confused. He definitely does not have those conch eyes though. I've seen his "skin" pattern as well and its similar to a conches, but like i said no eyes. Any pictures of whelks?


Active Member
Yeah im thinking it might be. BangGuy is good at iding these things. Maybe he'll read this thread shortly.


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Another picture which shows him much better from the underside. Forgot i had this pic. He was half the size he is now when i took this one.