Snail ID!!


I found this snail about a week ago in my tank. It was hanging around a rock with zoos on it, then I noticed that some of the zoos were wilted and fading. I figured he was up to no good, but I was unsuccessful at snagging him. I ended up moving that zoo rock further up.
Well, today he appeared again in another colony of zoos. I was able to grab him and put him in my refugium for now. I would like to know what kind he is and if I should get rid of him. I don't want him back in my DT, but maybe he is safe in the refugium?
Thanks for the info.


Active Member
check my thread about IDing my snails, I think it looks like one i have, but its not a sundial, its something else that is good


Originally Posted by BabyB
look at this page it has a pic of one
Thank you very much, that matches the pic (including the white pointy thing sticking out) perfectly.
Now for another question...could this be the reason for the spike in ammonia in my tank? Is it possible that the zoos that were dying were releasing a toxin that was poisoning the rest of my tank? All the zoos in my tank have been closed up for a couple of weeks.
Once again, thanks for the info. I think it is awesome that I can ask a question like that and have answers waiting on me when I get up. I knew I could count on you.


Glad you found that nasty little sundial. I had a rock with a combo of large green buttons and some green zoos. One by one the buttons were disappearing and I couldn't find the culprit until it had eaten all but 10 or 12. I finally spotted it early one morning munching away. I got my revenge and flushed it down the toilet.