Snail ID?


Active Member
Ok... I apologize first for the fuzzy picture quality. I still haven't quite got the hang of doing super close up macro shots.
Anyway, this little guy hitchiked in on a batch of new zoos and we wanted to know what he was before we put him in the tank. When I first saw the stripes, I thought bumblebee snail... but the yellow bands just seem too wide.


Active Member
We have a couple bumblebee snails in our tank... they look like this. The yellow bands on their shells are a lot narrower than the bands on my mystery snail...


Active Member
to me it looks like a bumble bee snail that has been violated. It looks like the reverse of the normal ones. Is it possible that it lived on a different diet than those we normally buy? I read on an earlier thread that someone had a theory that the meatier the diet, the brighter and more complex the stripes seemed to get. Just a theory I suppose, but the only thing I can think of other than origin like aarone said.


Active Member
it could be. No intention to scare you but i have seen a few whelks before..they all seem to have that extension coming out of their shell. that is what they kill their prey with. I have never seen a bumblebee type whelk though.
try and seclude it in a small tank and put a feeder fish in there, watch and see if it eats it or not.


Active Member
yes. If it does not take to dead food (sice it is a predator) go to the LFS and buy a feeder goldfish.


It looks like some of the bumble bees I have. Don't sweat the stripe width, I have narrow stripes, wide stripes, white stripes, yellow stripes. They will eat algae or dead stuff. They won't bother corals. IMO they are great additions. You scored a $2 hitchhiker.


Active Member
do you have email? I want to send you a video of a whelk (conus Magnus) catching a neon goby in one quick motion.


Active Member
i tried to post it in the forum but my ulead does not work anymore so i am unable to reduce the file size. :mad:

randy 12

Hey, did you ever figure out if this was a welk? I just found one exactly like yours in my tank. Thanks!


Active Member
Unfortunately Squishyfish and Kreach are no longer members of this board. Next time I see one of them on I'll ask them.


Active Member
The powers that be saw fit to remove them from the board. I personally didn't see any reason to, but Kreach told me it was because they were posting links to their site which held supposed competitor links. I looked and looked at their site for like 5 hours and couldn't find anything. But hey, what ya gonna do. If I argue about it I'll get booted too.

randy 12

Thanks! I appreciate you checking with them. Too bad they're gone.