snail prob


ive got like 7 mex snails in my 55 and i have 4 of them on the bottom upside down. i notived one of them like 4 hrs ago, i put him riteside up, and he is still there. then i noticed the others. so i picked them all up and put them in a tupperware at the waterline.
ive got 4 blue legs hermits, 2 emerald crabs, 1 sally lightfoot, 5 astrea snails
also, the snails like smell like rotten eggs. one was kinda moving, but wasnt getting a good sucktion on the glass when i put him there, also, his foot was kinda pink.


i had the same issue the ones that smell are dead. its one of 2 things. your salinity is not to there liking or b. you may be to over stocked in snails i had 5 or6 when i started my 48 and all but one died. i think the fend for food and if they dont get enough they die. what is you SG?


my salinity was 1.026, i brought it down to 25.
also found another dead snail and a dead blue leg.....
what can i add to the tank to make shure they are all fed?