Snail Problem


New Member
We have a 75 gallon reef tank. We originally had 5 adult snails in the tank and noticed there were baby snails popping up. We decided to remove the adults and now we have noticed that there are probably close to several hundred baby snails. What did we do wrong and what could we do to eliminate this pest problem without using chemicals??? HELP!!!!!!!!


Active Member
If they're algae eating snails their population will adjust with the availability of food. As the food is consumed and they grow larger their population sould drop.

sal t. nutz

Pest Problem??????????? Those things are $1 each. I would hardly call that a problem.
I have this problem, my Naso tang just keeps having babies, now I have like 30 Naso Tangs, what a pest!!!! LOL


I have the same problem, or lack there of. I have thousands in my 75g and 90g. The food supply keeps things in balance.


Hey just get a clown loach..... oh wrong board.. that was fresh water..
but really if you dont want them just rig up a narrow neck trap with some seaweed or other green type of bait in it and sink it to the bottom and wait till morning and flush the down the drain....


I would say let them grow and harvest them and sell or trade the ones that live. Otherwise like NaCl-H2O said they will adjust to the load your tank can handle by starving to death until they food source can suport them.


Turbo Snails. The adults have a base that is 1.5" around.
The little ones range from 1/16" to around 3/8".


I don't have any snails and need to go buy some... So if you would like to save me the money you can always send me some :rolleyes: :D


I have solved my snail problem. Today I bought a 5" Picasso Trigger. He has crunched a few of the snails. He seems to like them.