snail question



Everytime my friend buys snails for a part of his cleanup crew the crabs and fish poke at them and eventually eat them everytime. I wanted to know if this is normal or what? Because packages on here have crabs and snails so I was just wondering..


Active Member
I forgot to add, you need to have empty shells for the crabs to find new homes in, and keep the crabs well fed, if there is not enough food they might attack the snails, same with fish, keep them fed, if they are hungry they are going to look for something to eat, there are certain species of fish that will go out of there way to eat live snails though.


Ill find out what type of crabs he has.
The fish are well fed, the yellow tang is the one that is picking at the snails and he has a algea clip in the tank with plenty of food. He has empty shells but maybe not big enough Ill tell him to buy some bigger shell to.