snail question


New Member
I have a 75g, been setup for a year, I have a yellow tang, 3 damsels, clownfish, black-n-white angel, and i had lots of snails. Well, they have all died - the ones I can find??? The fish are all healthy, water chemisrty is great. ANy ideas why this would have happened. And I have plenty of algea - too much. I have no idea what would have caused them to die. ANyone have any ideas? Thanks


New Member
ironically, that is the one thing i didn't check yesterday - just went a checked and it is high! Could that be what is worong?


Post the number so I can tell. Usually its to low. They like full strength at 1.025 or 35ppm.

darth tang

Active Member
Temperature? I have lost turbo snails in the summer months because my tank will run a little hotter than in the winter. I always lose snails in the summer.


New Member
Nitrates are 0. maybe the temp is too warm but I don't think anything has changed that much. But it is really hot here so that migth be it:)