Snail question


how many Nassarius snails would you keep in a 24 gal aquapod. just want to see if i have to many or too few. i have 3 1/4" ones in there now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spunky
how many Nassarius snails would you keep in a 24 gal aquapod. just want to see if i have to many or too few. i have 3 1/4" ones in there now.
You can keep a bunch of them if you want. Just make sure that you feed them meaty food every week or so, like uncooked shrimp from the supermarket. They don't eat algae or detritus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
i only have on in my 75, but i have 6 fighting conches
Fighting conch's are lovely. However, they can starve to death as they get older. As the conch's get more mature they will no longer leave the sandbed in search for food.
An adult conch will need the entire sandbed to itself to avoid starvation. This includes hermits and other snails, starfish, cucumbers, etc.. Most will starve within a year of reaching 1" if not kept in at least a 100 gallon tank.
Hope this helps.