Snail questions

Hi, I'm new to the board and new to the hobby and I'm addicted to both!
My tank has been established now for 68 days and so far no problems. Three days ago, I added 10 mexican turbo snails to my 29g reef (the quantity of snails being the advice of my LFS) and yesterday I added 4 nassarius snails. Since adding the nassarius, they haven't cared to sift/clean the sand instead they stay on the glass. I bought them because I read (and was told) that they're great at sifting and cleaning the sand.
I have two questions:
1. Is it normal for the nassarius snails to stay on the glass and not in the sand?
2. Is that too many turbos for my tank?


miles o'reef,
Welcome to the Board!:D
My experience with snails is that they go wherever they can find food. Many of mine end up in/on my skimmer!!
For an established tank, and yours is too new to be considered "established", I've seen recommendations for one snail per gallon of water. Newer tanks, like yours, you'd want to cut that number way back. you want to make sure there's enough algea growth to feed the snails; and not have them starving to death.
I think you're fine with what you have. As you notice your algea growth increasing on your glass and rock, if your current population isn't keeping up with it, you can just add some more.
I agree with you that my tank is still a baby! I will change my sig to say "started 11/02" instead of "established 11/04/02".
I'm trying to take things slow (though my wife may disagree!) and learn as much as I can and this board has been great!
Thanks for you experience/input. I was wondering if the LFS really sold me nassarius snails since so far they haven't done any sand sifting/cleaning. After I put the turbos in they just seemed too much for my tank and I was going to return 4 of them but maybe now I'll just wait and see.


It's certainly possible you got something other than what you thought were Nassarius snails. I know that kind of thing has happened to me a number of times :( I was trying to find a good picture of them to direct you to, but I can't find one right now.
Thinking about your Turbo snails.......if they're small (1/2 inch or so), I'd think you were ok with keeping what you have. I also know turbos can get pretty big. If you bought big ones, and as you mentioned, they look like they're overpowering the tank, by all means try to return a couple of them for credit. You can always buy more later.


Active Member

Originally posted by jim672
It's certainly possible you got something other than what you thought were Nassarius snails.

This was my first thought as well. It's pretty common for my LFS to mislable stock, especially with things like snails that often look very similar.
I can't find a decent picture either. I just ordered some nars snails, delivered to my house today. I'll try to remember to snap a pic for you when I get home.
Thanks guys for your responses. The snails that I got black with black cone shaped shells. I'll also try to snap a picture of them this evening. I hope they didn't sell me the wrong ones :(


Active Member
here are 2 pics of my snails... sorry about the quality, but you'll get the idea. I bought 50 of them total, about 20 of them burried themselves immediately, 20 crawled around the sand and eventually burried themselves, and the other 10 went immediately to the glass.

Those look very similar to mine except that mine have black shells and bodies.
Ran out of batteries for my digital camera so hopefully I can get a picture of them this evening.
Thanks for the pics.


One snail I know that has a black shell , although more round than cone-shaped, is the Margarita. They are not sand sifters though.