Snail righting themselves


I have a couple Mexican Turbo Snails. Can they right themselves if they end up on their backs?
I've been flipping them back over, but was wondering if that was necessary.


Active Member
if i see it happen i give any of them a boost, really looks like some have a hard time :yes: though if they can grab something nearby, they boost up (some of them) it never hurts to help them out if they look like they are in trouble


I would spend all day flipping snails (with my 100 new mud snails), one falls off the glass or a rock every few minutes. These guys flip themselves with NO problem anyway.


when i first got my snails one fell on its back and out of curiosity not knowing wether or not to help it i let it alone and right away it righted itself i was amazed but i usually help them even though its a pain sticking my arm in the tank every hour!


Okay. So it's not urgent to get them immediately then. Unless of course I see a hermit headed that way!! :)


I have a wood stick for my margaritas. Two were unreachable but visible due to rock stackup (I was not going to move my rocks around for a 1.25 snail) and they died in about 3-4 days. I knew when they died because hermits, shrimp and snails made them lunch.


ok, ok, I gotta say it 'cause everybody has these... (well almost). MINIBLINDS- Find a set in a room that you never move and steal that plastic twirly thing off the left side of it. It makes a GREAT snail-turner-over!!


I use my retractable- expandable to the right size you need glass scraping wand for a snail flipper.
btw..if u dont have one of those..u should really get comes with all kinds of different attachments for scraping algae. even a corner scrubber and a metal "blade" type scrapper..all the parts are u just snap on the part you need ..or in the case of snail flipping all ya need is your expandable baton without an attachement and your in!
You dont have to get into the tank up to your pits if ya have a large deep tank!


That's exactly what I have!! The greatest little tool!! I use it for cleaning, righting snails, moving things around, and a bunch of stuff I haven't even thought of yet!!



Originally posted by saltymom
I use my retractable- expandable to the right size you need glass scraping wand for a snail flipper.

Where can I get one of these? LFS? Thanks!


That's where I got mine at. It comes with an expandable rod with a sponge, algae scraper pad, corner scraper pad and a metal scraper. Costs like $15.
Great little tool.


New Member
I'm not sure what kind of turbo snail I had but this one wouldn't work in the sand. If he'd fall I'd always have to put him back on a rock and then he'd carry on. Well, I guess he fell and didn't get help quick enough and when I eventually moved him on a rock ... he never made another move. Sad ...
My star fish seems to clean well and the hermits always seem to be working. Do hermits reproduce? I could have sworn at one time there were more than I bought. Do they also fight? I've seen em take down a shell! Not sure if it was already dead though ...



Originally posted by Kip4130
turbos need help... strombus, nassarius, some nerite, and some cerith can do it on their own.. but i have always had to help my turbos (mexican or other trochus... and astrea too)

My 2 inch turbo needs no help at all. He ALWAYS falls over, and he never needs help. :cheer: