Snail staying at top of tank - warning sign?


I just started my 37 gallon tank up to keep some live rock in until my 60 is ready.
I got the live rock and live sand from an already established tank, all tests are "ideal".
My question is, the only large snail I see in the tank stays on the very top of the tank near the water line and sometimes stays half out of the water - is this a warning sign of some sort?
Something that I am not testing for?


what kind of snail is it? My nerites often go up out of the water for a time. I dont think its a warning sign.


New Member
It could be just an oddity or a response to being put in a new tank if he was in another one. I have one Turbo snail who has claimed one corner of the tank, and just wanders up and down that corner over the course of a day.


There are several snails that will seek high tide so to speak and naturally go to the top of the tank.


Active Member
I have a couple of margarita snails that do the same thing. They go up and down the glass and sometimes they will be part of the way out of the water. Haven't lost one yet so I think it is just something they do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
There are several snails that will seek high tide so to speak and naturally go to the top of the tank.
Nicely said!!!