Snails alive, but not moving


I have 16 mexican turbos in my 85 gallon tank that refuse to move. But, as soon as I put them in my eels tank they come alive and start munching algae. Everything about the tanks are the same except for I have more powerful lighting in my main tank, more flow, and cleaner a better water in my main tank. What is wrong with my snails?


Active Member
Have you ever used any sort of medication in the other tank? Do they just hang on the glass or on the sand or??
What are the specific water parameters between the two, especially pH, alkalinity and specific gravity.


Here are some pictures. There is no algae at alll visable to the

eye in my eel's tank while my main tank is carpeted. Parameters are exacty the same.


Any other opinions I really need to get rid of the algae. I am going to get my water tested at my lfs, but I have done this before and nothing shows up as the calprit.