Snails and blue legged hermits


Noticed a few empty snail shells where there used to be snails. Also noticed the blue legged hermits climing on some live snails. Do the blue legs attack the snails, or are my snails just dying and the blc's taking over their shells.....

jimmy g

I used have blue leg hermits and they would kill and eat my snails if they fliped over but if they dont get knocked off the glass they ususally leave them alone. I got rid of my blue legs and added scarlets and they leave my snails alone...finally my snails can live in peace!! :joy:


New Member
Do I need a wet/dry filter for my 55 tank. I haven't been successful with my fish staying alive. I bought a filter with the bio wheels a month ago. I have a clown fish that is hanging in there. Is the bio wheel enough:help:


I have a canister on mine and its working just fine. How long has your tank been up and running? Has it cycled all the way thru?


Active Member
my first tank ran on two Millenium 3000 hang-ons, so you don't have to have a wet-dry on your tank. Also depends on how much LR you have, and how large your bioload is. If your tank's levels (nitrate, nitrite, pH, ammonia) remain stable and where they should be, a wet-dry isn't required, but they're always nice to add on in the future.