snails and hermits


I heard blue-legged hermits are harmful to your corals/ reef tanks. Is this true? Also, which are the better snails, turbo or mexican snails, as far as cleaning algae?


Active Member
Most of the time they are reef safe but occasionally the hermits will eat button polyps or soft corals but they don't do that very often. I think the mexican snails are better cleaners than the turbos, I've found that the turbo snails are kinda lazy sometimes and most the time only clean glass and rock but the mexican clean the glass, rock and sand.


Is there a difference between red-legged vs. blue-legged hermits as far as their activity and aggressivness?


Active Member
As far as I know there is no difference between the red leg and the blue leg hermit crabs except for the color. I haven't noticed any difference.


Active Member
I have 5 turbo snails and as stated earlier they are lazy---I havent seen them do a darn thing, when I turn the light off they move about a 1/2 inch and stop again----getting mexican next. HTH.