snails at top of glass


New Member
so i have a few questions for you out there.
i bought a reef package from swf and the most of the snails are just hanging around the top of the water line. some of them are going around the glass but most of them are not. i also have lost about 5 out of the twenty of them. for what ever reason i could not get them to hold on to the glass and they would not move.
all the other stuff in the package seems to be doing well. the hermits and the clams are going strong. so is there anything that i need to do to get them moving around more, or what do you suggest i do to fix this.
i aclimated them 30 minutes drip, 30 minutes with a small stream and then 30 minutes full stream. but i am just confused on what i need to do. if any one can help that would be great.
i have a 29 gallon tank
lighting coralife 65 watt actinic and 65 watt compact flurescent
my water levels are
ph 7.8
nitrite 0 ppm
nitrate 20 ppm
ammonia 0.25 ppm
temp 80 d
specific gravity 1.021
i am going to do a water change to night to help with the levels.
thanks for your information and knowledge


might want to find out why u have ammonia. how old is the tank and what is the livestock?


New Member
right now i only have the reef package
Dwarf White Leg Hermit Crabs 20
Blueleg Hermit Crab 20
Porcelain Crab 1/ this died
Coral Banded Shrimp 1
Emerald Crab 5
Turbo/Astrea Snail 20 /5 died
Cleaner Clam 2
Nassarius Snail 10
and 1 yellowtailed blue damsel
i used to have a black and white clown fish and i had a big 4 stripe damsel that desided he wanted to be big fish in the tank and i didn't get him out in time.
This is my only tank and it has been set up for years.


the inverts are dying because of the ammonia. Youve got to find out the reasoning behind the ammonia. How big is the tank and what do you have as far as live rock?


New Member
Alright sounds good I will have to start investigating what is causing the increase in ammonia.
I have a 29 Gallon Tank. There is about 30 LBS of LR in there as well.
Thanks For Your Help.


New Member
No problems you helped me out alot. i knew it was somthing simple just was not sure how to fix it.
Thanks again for all your help