Snails Breeding?


I have recently witnessed a snail (hitchiker) spawn in my tank. It has a pointy tip like a astrea but I think it may be some sort of turbo. Anyway, I watched this little guy release six small clouds of something (eggs) into the water last night. That got me curious to see if I had any more in any of my tanks. Sure enough, I found several small 1/2 centimeter sized snails with the same pointy top shells in my other 30 gallon. Here are some pictures. The first one shows just the snail. It is kind of behind the bubble coral, when he releases it's eggs they blow right across the bubble coral. The second picture shows the snail with the eggs in the water next to it. The eggs are the small plume of white "stuff".


here is the second picture, sorry they are so blurry. This is the best I could do because it is so small and so far back in the tank.