
michelle l

What is the difference between the turbo/astrea snails and the Mexican turbo snails offered on this site? Is one better at cleaning than the other?


Active Member
the mexican turbos are MUCH bigger than the other snails. the also move much faster. because of size and speed, the mexican turbo could be considered a better cleaner. however, ime, most snails are very delicate, and mexican turbos being more than most. I've never been able to keep mexican turbos alive, and I've read that they prefer temps in the low to mid 70s. also in my experience, the nassarius snails are the hardiest snails. they are smaller yes, but they are fast and they are good cleaners.


Active Member
My Mexican turbo snails are far from 70 degrees... My tank runs around 80-84 at all times and my mexicanos have done nothing but thrived. I dont understand why people cannot keep these guys.. I put these puppies in about one week into my cycle and they've been enjoying themselves ever since.
As far as the difference between them.. the astrea are slow, dont do a great cleaning job.. are more active at night.. and are slow. The Mexicans which are a lot like real mexicans are very quick and do a good job mowing your tanks lawn... (muahahahahaha
) The only REAL downside to them is how big they actually are.. they'll sometimes climb up on things that may not hold their weight well and you'll find yourself picking up the pieces that fall over and over and over and over and over and over and.........................


Also if you can get your hands on some Bumble Bee snails--they are very hardy and graze on detritis as well as algea. Very beneficial!!! Most snails feed on algea alone--so one that takes care of waste is a plus in my book.
CMB :joy:


I have had no problems with my Mexican Turbos... i love them they do the best cleaning job by far. I also like the bumble bee i see them move alot at night. My nassarius are ok there active when i feed the fish they come zooming around from everywhere i dont know how good a cleaning job they do. I also have some astrea i really dont care for these guys as much except for the 6-7 i put in my fuge, one of them got into my u shaped tube and he cleans the hell out of it, dont ask me how he got in there.


Active Member
wow really? maybe I should consider putting one or two of those in my overflow box....


One thing to remember with Mexican Turbos...they are often called bulldozers. They can knock some of the more sensitive things over in your tank.