snails dropping like flies


New Member
Can anyone help me with my snails..they r all falling over and then dying.I had about 6 large turbo snails and now i only have one..I do have a niger triger and a moron clown. They wouldn't hurt them,would they.Please help me 2 find out why they r going i anyone know about snails..


Active Member
Trigger will eat snails if not fed enough to fill them up.Also snails when the fall of a rock and land upside down can not over turn themself.Then they die.

bang guy

The most common reasons established Snails die in aquariums:
#1 Predators like Hermit Crabs
#2 Low Salinity
#3 Starvation
#4 Copper
#5 Iodine


Active Member
Are these new snails? If so, how did you acclimate? What are your SPECIFIC water parameters? If old snails, are they on their back, seemingly alive but "paralyzed?" Have you ever used copper in your tank?


New Member
thanks for the feedback..everything seems normal in the tank..checked all my levels and they r must be that they r falling on there back but how long does it take before they die,and how do u check for copper and will it hurt any of my other fish because everyone else looks normal..feeding them do they just eat the alge off the glass or do u have to give them something else. the kind of snails i have r the Mexican turbo snail..


Active Member
Remember, what is "perfect" for fish may be fatal for these animals. Please post your parameters. Specific gravity below 1.024, for example, could easily cause death even though it is normal for fish. Alkalinity and calcium are important. Snails will live years under the right conditions.


New Member
what is a at this..i just have the basic test kit that test water levels.It looks like i have a lot 2 learn about this. I did learn that i need 2 go and get one and also find out a way 2 check my calcuim levels..thanks for your help.


Active Member
parameters are your tanks statistic in terms of water quality
specific gravity
ph are the basics

bang guy

Originally Posted by daddymark
http:///forum/post/2562646 must be that they r falling on there back but how long does it take before they die
It is very difficult for Turbin and Astreae Snail to right themselves if they fall in the sand. Healthy Snails don't just fall over though, this is a common myth in the hobby.
For copper, the best approach is to make sure very little gets into the tank. This usually means not using unpurified tapwater.