snails dying??


My crabs have cleaned a few out, my shrimp aren't going near them though. When I had my water teasted a little more then a week ago it was at 1.025. I am going back to the lfs now and I will post everything when I get back.


Ok so I just got back and this is what I have..
NO3-10ppm (is that bad?)
Alk-8.4dph (she said that should go up a little)
My salinity was a little high at 1.028 could that be the problem? I brought in a large GSP for store credit and a bunch of ssaltwater with it so I replaced that water with fresh water so I think my salinity should be ok now.


Active Member
I think my salinity should be ok now.
imo you should always know for certain. That said, 1.028 is a little high but I don't think that's it but keep in mind the 1.028 could at times, depending on top off rate, reach 1.029 or 30 or 31 etc. You should invest in a refractometer. It's one of the coolest instruments in this hobby.


Yes I know I have a hydrometer but I couldn't rely on it to give me an accurate reading because I just added a gal of fresh water so I wanted to wait until it got all mixed up but its now at 1.023-1.024. So should I just assume all my snails died from starvation? And just to be clear what is the rule of thumb on astrea/turbo, is it 1 per gal? 1 per 10 gal? 1 per 20 gal?