
New Member
They are multiplying way to fast. Looks like there are a million air bubbles on my glass.
Can't even imagine how many are on my rocks! Anything that will eat the babies and not harm my pair of coral banded shrimp or brittle starfishes? Please help!!! They are NASSARIUS OBSOLETA, or nassa snails. Thanks. Sara :help:


New Member
Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy
Just scrape the eggs off your glass, your cleaner crabs should enjoy them.
Don't have any. What kind should I get? Right now, I have a scissortail goby, lawnmower blenny, domino damsel..just TOO cute, 2 coral banded shrimps, 1 green brittle starfish, 1 reg brittle starfish, and one pencil urchin,...and tons of snails.


All hermit crabs will redily (spelling
) eat the snail eggs if they can get to them. However, I have heard of blue leg hermits eating snails alive, while the scarlet ones let them be.