Snails/ Hermits

I read somewhere which I can't remember where now that hermits will eat the detrius in the tank and that snails only eat algae and will not touch the other stuff? is this true? thanks
so does that mean they won't eat detrius in the tank? I was just trying to figure out if I needed both snails and hermits or not


Active Member
Yep hermits eat algae and other decaying food. There are a lot of different species of snails that include carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, and detrivourrs.
ok thanks for the responses, I have a 75 gallon that I am converting from a FOWLR to a Reef. the tank is pretty dirty now because it was an aggressive tank so I couldn't even have one snail or it will be killed within 24 hours of getting it heh. But I would prefer to only have snails if I could, I already have mexican turbos and I wan to get some astrea. Are there any snails that "specialize" in eating the detrius?


Active Member
get snails and mini stars. hermits and crabs are trouble. if you get snails, don't get crabs, if you get crabs, don't get snails
crabs will eat the snails for there shells.
just get snails for algae and mini stars for detritus.
mini star? I have never heard of those although I haven't been in this hobby for too long... can I guess it is a type of starfish? and also are they reef safe?


Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda
mini star? I have never heard of those although I haven't been in this hobby for too long... can I guess it is a type of starfish? and also are they reef safe?
Yes their mini brittle starfish.
Yes they're reef safe.


Well-Known Member
Aquariums in general need a variety of life to sustain them. Generally, what I recommend to my clients that they need a few of each different kind, because each kind contain different qualities and behavior characterisics that make them beneficial.
Nassarius snails, Turbo snails, Astrea Snails, Margarita snails, blue leg hermits, red leg hermits, green hermits, emerald crabs, yellow tangs, foxface fish, algae blennies, cleaner gobies, cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, peppermint shirmp, brittle stars, sand sifting starfish, red grassalaria, chaetomorpha, caulerpa mexicana, ... and on and on.
Everything listed above and many more have many different useful behaviors and characteristics. You need to study and learn everything you can about what they do. Each one can solve one of your problems by natural means, not chemical. Research is key!
ok thanks for all the information and I never use chemicals to fix anything in my tank I have read a lot of info (mostly on these boards) and know what can happen. but thanks again