snails not moving

paul plumer

my tanks been cycled 3-4-weeks amonia-0,ph 8,2,8.4, nitites -0 , nitrates -0,10, 55 gal sump filter 1-180 power head 1 air pump and air stone 50lbs live agregate, 60 live rock with clams and flame coral, just installed 330wt hvo lights, now my snails seem to be dead and the clams look like there going also what could be wrong , i have 1-serpant star 1 pistol shrimp 15 turbo snails 15 blue leg hermits 1 big cucumber, 1-small clwn, 1 lemon angle and 1 sweetlip


smell snails this will tell if dead . you will know. clam if over 3" needs lots light if under you need to feed

reef fool

Active Member
Snails and other inverts can't take high temps - 82 degrees max! Your new lights may be heating up the tank too much. If so...Run a fan behind them. Keep the top open to breathe. Also, I second the last reply. Definitely too early for a clam. Be patient, unlike me, I killed a couple hundred worth of stuff due to impatience.:( ::eek:
If your tank is only three - four weeks old then there might not be a whole lot for the snails to eat. If there is not anything to eat then the snails will not move. Also I have gone through a time when I had a huge red algae outbreak. When this happened my snails could only eat a small amount of the red stuff and then they would just sit there and not move at all for a couple of days.


Active Member
reef fool, i have to disagree with you r post saying that inverts cnat be kept in temps above 82 degrees f. i personally keep my tank at 82-84 and all my snails, shrimp, crabs, not to mention corals are doing the best that they have ever done. there are actually quite a few reefers here the tkeep their tanks in these ranges and have no problems, in fact, dr. ron shimek even suggests keeping tanks in the 82-84 range as this is most similar to reefs around the world, i would look other places than temp for the grumy snails.
good luck

reef fool

Active Member
Sorry Jonthefb , I just remember the time that my new light lit up my tank and my thermometer and I cooked two starfish and 4 turbo snails. Just speaking from a bad experience and a LFS's advice. Temp was around 84-86 for a few days.