Snails, ok?


New Member
I just put in my first invert pkg. and my snails aren't doing anything. Are they Ok? It's been about 4 hours since I put them in. Everything else seems to be doing OK. They are moving a little slow but they say that's normal right? Also the Flame Scallop was open when we got him but he closed up when he went in the water. When do you think it will open up again? Anybody have any info I am new at this. Thanks!


Welcome to the board! You should have your lights off for at least 2 hours after adding something to reduce stress. It is not uncommon for inverts such as snails to not more for up to 2 days. Make sure they are not upside down though, turbo snails can't flip themselves over if they get stuck on their backs. Just give your new critters a day or 2 to adjust to the new enviroment.


Active Member
Did you acclimate the creatures slowly over about an hours time?
Sory to say but the scallop is doomed to starvation.


New Member
Why is it doomed to starvation? It's kind of interesting looking. I hope not.
I did do the snails slowly and they seem to be coming around a little bit more. I have left the lights off for awhile and that helped. I have another question though...I have brown algae really bad. Is there something I can do to help this stuff go away. I know some algae is good but I don't know about having this much.


Active Member
Scallops are filter feeders who feed alot. They need constant flow of plankton to stay healthy. I have not heard of anyone keeping one healthy for over a year.....They are actually harder to keep than an anenome....


flame scallops are nice, but in a young tank they will die. you might try to feed it phytoplankton.


Active Member
Is it brown algae or diatioms? (Diatoms kinda look more like a dusting.) If your tank is just cycling it's probably diatoms and will clear up in a few weeks. Your clean-up crew will go to work on it too!


Active Member
Flame scallops need near constant food supply just like gorgians, it isnt usually possible to maintain the level of food needed without polluting the tank and destroying everything else. They require a high nutrient system.


New Member
Well it happened. You were right. My flame scalloped died. Didn't last 2 days. Oh well, it was nice when it was alive. Lesson learned. I still have really bad brown algae growing on the glass. The snails and the crabs are doing a pretty good job on the ground and the live rock. I just need to encourage them to get on the glass. So if anyone has any ideas let me know. Thanks for all of ya'll's info. It helps a lot!!! :eek: