Snails or Hermits?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
But I want to ask renogaw how the sally and the mythrax get along. I have two emeralds but want to add a sally.
they get along fine. the sally will walk across them and anything else while feeding causing emeralds to but up a defensive claw occasionally if the sally gets too close but the sally is so fast it can walk all around them and not get touched. otherwise they ignore each other.


Should I add a cleanup crew before fish? My 36 bow is cycling right now and should be done in a week or two...
Im thinking 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 purple lobster, 3 emerald crabs and some snails, does this all sound good to you guys or do I need more/less?


yeah add the cleaning crew first. Bluelegs don't require shells so they are a safe bet, like snails their shell is for life.
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Clean up crew is going to get pricy for the 150. I'll have to go with a reef package but they always come with stuff I don't want like nudi's or conchs. Thats life I guess.
Why don't you like conchs? I had a big diatom bloom when I started my 120. I put in 2 fighting conchs, and it was CLEAN in like 2 weeks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gmidd
Bluelegs don't require shells so they are a safe bet, like snails their shell is for life.
tell that to my blue legged hermits walking around with nassarius and margarita shells. blue legged most certainly require a snail shell and will kill from time to time to get it. scarlets are your safest bet but they cost about twice that of blue leg hermits.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
tell that to my blue legged hermits walking around with nassarius and margarita shells. blue legged most certainly require a snail shell and will kill from time to time to get it. scarlets are your safest bet but they cost about twice that of blue leg hermits.
I thought only the Electric Bluelegs required extra shells, not the Dwarf Bluelegs? I better read up on them more then.


Active Member
I can assure you he came from the store with a cerith snail shell and within 48hrs of adding nassarius snails he was wearing one of their shells. As the photo shows he's thinking about claiming the empty astrea shell