I have two mexican turbo snails in my fairly new 29 with four small damsels. They keep the glass exceptionally clean, but I can't say that mush for the sand. What will help clean up all the snail crap and debris on my ocean floor?:help:
Grindz, you're just down right rude!
JS. . . Can you get some cleaner shrimp? Or a brittle star? I dont have a problem with waste from my 3 turbos and 2 astria snails! Ohhh and what about hermits little devils clean up constantly!!:happyfish
Thanks for reporting the "stay cute" troll...we are well aware of his/her negative impact here and have reported this troll to admin for removal. Until then keep us posted about objectional comments and try to refrain from posting "quotes" of his/her comments. With any luck this person will soon be gone.