

I got a Mexican Turbo Snail and introduced it into my tank, it soon died, maybe i put it in too soon, now i went and got two cone head snails and they aren't moving that much, is there a proper way to introduced these snails into my tank or are the fish that i have the probelm, the fish haven't really messed with the snails, so i dont think its that, the fish i have are Dog Faced Puffer, Yellow Tang, Bi-Color Parrot, Tomato Clown, Niger Trigger, Picaso Trigger, Domino Damsel, Yellow tail damsel, 4 stripe damsel, Yellow Damsel and blue velvet damsel. I know the Dog face Puffer might eat snails, but he hasn't paid them no attention, and if he does it's fine cause he needs to file down his teeth, but are any of these fish the reason that snails aren't surviving in my tank.

bang guy

Have you been using the drip acclimation proceedure described here?
What is the Salinity of the water in your tank?


[Honestly I didn't use the drip acclimation proceedure, I don't even know how to, I can't even tell you the salinity of the tank or how to find that out, I'm fairly new to this hobby, my roomate had this tank and it had live rock and one damsel fish, so I decided to liven up the tank and get different fish. I know I should've done my research alil more but i got excited when I got my first fish and just started buying more. What should the salinity be?


1.025 is where you should try and keep it around for snails no lower than 1.020 good luck, and as far as the drip method i dont think you need that ive never done that with my snails and havent lost a one.. good luck

bang guy

Salinity should be about 35ppt.
The larger the snail the more suceptible to osmotic shock it will be (damage from salinity differences). The drip acclimation method is very important for sensative animals like Snails. You can read about this proceedure by clicking on the button over to the left labeled "Acclimation".


Will the salinity change effect the other fish i have in my tank, i wouldn't want to risk the health of my fish just to keep some snails

bang guy

35ppt is also the most healthy level for fish. Adjust it slowly though. If your salinity is low (probably) then use saltwater to topoff instead of freshwater.


Active Member
I have never acclimated snails before i just place them into the tank directly from the bag and discard the water.when your adding the snails are you just dropping them in or placing them onto the glass?turbos cant roll off of their backs so if they are dropped and land upside down they do die.check your nitrates and amonia levels.another question has this tank ever been coppered?