I got a Mexican Turbo Snail and introduced it into my tank, it soon died, maybe i put it in too soon, now i went and got two cone head snails and they aren't moving that much, is there a proper way to introduced these snails into my tank or are the fish that i have the probelm, the fish haven't really messed with the snails, so i dont think its that, the fish i have are Dog Faced Puffer, Yellow Tang, Bi-Color Parrot, Tomato Clown, Niger Trigger, Picaso Trigger, Domino Damsel, Yellow tail damsel, 4 stripe damsel, Yellow Damsel and blue velvet damsel. I know the Dog face Puffer might eat snails, but he hasn't paid them no attention, and if he does it's fine cause he needs to file down his teeth, but are any of these fish the reason that snails aren't surviving in my tank.