
Yesterday I bought I think they were labeled turbo snails. Two of them. ANd still today they do not want to move around. Is it normal for newly introduced snails to do this?


Active Member
I have turbo snails... not sure which variety though... they are more like a non-turbo snail during the day, hardly moving at all... but when the lights go out they kick on the afterburners. Give them a few days and see if they are more active at night.


Active Member
When I added my turbos I had one that did not move for two days. I thought he was dead but decided to give hime one more day and i'm glad I did because the next day he was good to go.


Active Member
I've had the same experience. They didn't move much the first day, then some started doing their business. By the third day all of them were hard at work. I have noticed them taking a breather from time to time. I think they just like naps, like me! :rolleyes:
Take care,
Dan'l :D


My snails are my little salinity test kits. When they aren't active, my salinity is off- when they are cruising around like little racecars, the salinity is right on.

nm reef

Active Member
I've got turbos in both my 55 reef and my 55 fowlr/dsb.....when they are busy they are very busy....but they do like to rest now and then...sometimes for a day or first I thought there was a problem.....but now I believe that is just their nature........


I purchased some astrid snails recently (like turbos, except they have a pointy top to their shell). In any case my lfs clerk mentioned that if the snails fall upside down, sometimes they can't get back up & die. He is always proping up fallen snails in his display reef tank. Seems like a bit of work to always turn these critters right side up. Is their any truth to this? Also, he mentioned that they are short lived, 6 months or so. What are your experiences with the life span of snails?
This sux I just looked in my tank to find my cleaner shrimp eating one of the snails. I mean the thing cost me 2.50. I hate that shrimp all it does is take up space and the fish are afraid of it.


Active Member
teetee, it is true, if the snail are upside down they cant flip themselves over unless they have a rock or something next to them. Are far as there life span I'm not sure on that one.


If your cleaner shrimp was eating it, it's possible the snail was dead already. Just a thought.


In response to Teetee's message, your type of snail will indeed fall upside down from time to time. At that time, they are fairly vulnerable to your crabs (if any in your tank). I have seen these snails when upside down going "out of their shell" trying to glue themselves to something around. If there is no rock or anything beside, they become just food for others or die of starvation unless you pick them up.


I am still boggled as to how come my Turbo snails always seem to die. 90% of the ones I buy die. So far only 3 have survived. For example, I had some that were sucking glass and they fell maybe an hour after I saw them. I turned them upright and the next morning they are still there and slime comes out of them. I pick them up to smell if it's rotten but it's alright, on the day after that it smells super bad.
Are snails/turbos that hard to keep? Do they need particular salinity to live besides 1.023? Thanks. :rolleyes:


i had snails to my tank every week.. for example i have no idea what happens to them but i see my hermit crab eating them or in there shell.. Right now i have about 15 hermit crabs, 1 sally lightfoot, arrow crabs, And some other crab that's all white .. and every so often all the snails disappers. I think i'm under feeding my fish and then they turn on each other..


Since my snails naturally die somehow, I wish that my hermits would eat them. They don't and it starts to smell super bad man. Like someone took a dump and stirred it with more diarehha. STINKS!!! :D


Now there's a pleasent thought.
Anytime one of my snails die, 4-5 hermits fight over its remains.


The astraes are the ones that cannot flip themselves back, I believe. The turbos are supposedly notorious for knocking things over and Trochus supposedly are long lived.
I am sure sometimes the LFS mixes up snails and sometimes one astrae snail is sold as a trochus and vice versa, for example. So you will end up with a Astrae that lives forever and a Trochus that cannot flip itself upright. It gets awefully confusing because then you start thinking Trochus'es die once flipped on back while Astraes live long, etc.
Usually, any dead snails are made of meals by hermits, other snails, cleaner crew, etc. You should not see much of a spike in your routine tests unless a whole horde of them die at once.


Check your phosphates. I had my snails dropping like flies. Discovered that my phospahtes had climb. Did a water change and now maintain low phosphates 0.1, haven't had a snail die since, been approximately 6 months now. HTH