I got 6 snails for my 55 gal tank...one friend said they are great cleaners, the other said to return them because they reproduce like mad! Opinions please!
What kind of snails? My nassarius snails constantly leave eggs on the glass but they never survive. My FW snails are another story. They quickly take over.
I have never had any salt water snails reproduce. They are exellent cleaners. Your friend is probably thinking of fresh water snails, which can take over a tank.
Turbo and Astrea Snails are awesone all around cleaners, the recommended amount is 1 per two gallons. Nassarius Snails are great sand cleaners. I've yet to hear of a breading blitz.
You can always do an Escargot Party
My nassarius snails reproduce like crazy. I do have tons that do survive. At night time I see them all over the rock. But then again the back glass of my tank has algae for them to feed off of.
enough food = population
no food = death.
They are not a bad thing.
If they do end up breeding like crazy you could always get a fish that likes to eat them, problem solved! But so far my turbos and astreas have yet to breed.