

New Member
I have hundreds of little little brown snails that come out at night. At first I thought no big deal, now they are becoming a nuisance. They are about the size of a pencil lead, maybe a little bigger. Does anyone know of a way to keep them under control? Thanks


Active Member
I have the same "problem". I know that mine hitched in my live sand and on the live rock. I see them as a blessing, as they are more or less a free clean-up crew. They clean the glass, they keep the sand moving, and they also get little bits of flake off of the rock. The only thing that I could suggest if they really are that big of a problem is to try to catch them and either take them to your LFS or give them to another aquarist.
How big is your tank that they are a problem? I have a 55gallon and I have hundreds as well, I just clean the glass more often to get the parts that they miss.


Active Member
ya i agree with everyone else i dont really think they are a problem like everyone said they are like a free clean up crew and that if you really dont like em you should give em to another aquarist or not sure if they would give you money for those small snails they are just snails so i dont know i think this thread should be closed unless you have any more questions..cuz there is really nothing else to add to it i hope everyone answered your question