
extinct 1ne

I have a question about snails for a reef tank. Right now I have decided to get these snails.
5 Turbo Snails
5 Nassarius Snails
5 Astraea Snails
What would be another wise choice of snail, this is a 55 gallon reef. I will get 5 of this snail. I was thinking of 5 Nerites, or 5 Ceriths?


do both. in a 55g you will still be way under-snailed. the nerites are nice cus they work hard and if they fall over they can flip themselves and dont die like the very stupid astreas. despite their dumbness though, astreas are hard workers and way more active than our very lazy turbos.
at any rate most sites recommend a snail a gallon or per 2 or 3 gallons.

extinct 1ne

meowzer - Thanks.
- Thanks. How would I be "under-snailed?" 55/3=~18? Getting another set of 5 snails would be 20? Really? My Turbos are pretty active, maybe that's because they were the only snails in the tank at that time, lol. Ohh these are the Nass. Snails I bought today, they are Orange Spotted.

It's a bummer they only had 4 of them left, now I have to buy 1 more, lol.