
I have had my 72 running for about two years now, and I started out with about 10 snails a year and a half ago. I was away from the tank for about two weeks and I came home to find hundreds of tiny snails. Is this abnormal. and are they allright to leave alone? Any suggestions please? Thanks


You know what they say "Snails Happen" :D Congrats on the freebees, They do look just like the parent don't they? Its happend to me with the Trubo snails. All the old ones are dead but they left me with enough kids to do the job on my 55 some of which I have added to the new 90.


New Member
Yeah snails are quite busy little guys I would say!
I have a 10gal FW that I just let them breed like mad and they do so just enough that I use them to feed my loaches pretty regularly, hehe :)