Snake's Tips and Tricks for New Hobbyists


Ive been surfing this forum a lot lately! I plan on changing my tank over to reef over the next couple of months so i have been researching everything and I came across it. Wish I would have had a outline like this a few years ago! Would have made things a lot easier! Good work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks frank.
If you want more information on the hobby in specific areas I have also written other "articles" that you can find by doing a search for "snakes methods". I am just a hobbyist, not an expert by any means.
Send me a pm is you have any specific questions that are not explained in my other methods threads. Good luck and wish yah the best!

tomos reef

New Member
All of the information we newbies need! My eyes are bleeding but I feel better knowing all this. Thanks for typing all that up. Im sure ill still have questions but this was very helpful.


New Member
Exactly what I needed, Thanks a lot.
Iv'e been out of the hobby for six years now. I'm about to get back in and this is the refresher I needed.


This is great, thank you :) Would you consider adding "How often should I feed my fish?" And maybe corals, too. I've seen some people on here say twice a day while others say twice a week... I'm not sure which is right. Or maybe it varies...?


Well-Known Member
To me, just make sure their stomachs dont become shrunken in and they look in general good health. If that means 20x a day the. Thats what we should do. I personally feed once a day and sometimes twice a day when i am home. I also skip sundays.
Long as your fish arent starving and wasting away, do it your way.
You also have to look at it in terms of water quality. More food, more waste, more algae. Its a balancing act. I generally feed my fish as much as my system will reasonably allow.


New Member
Wow! Thanks for posting this. Great deal of information especially for someone starting out like me... Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Your welcome. Seems like my information is getting a little out of date now. New techniques always on the horizon but the priciples stay the same.