Snapper id anyone?

beach bum

Recent aquisition, very beautiful fish - using the flash always bleeds some of the color out (not to mention making the tank look like cr*p:D )
thanks, bb

beach bum

Thanks bo, I'll look that up - I assumed he would be a biggun' but had never seen such a beauty before - the red is really a deep crimson.
There is only one other fish in there now, can you spot it and ID it? :D

beach bum

good job fishy88, a queen, about 4" right now, growing steadily. Although I must say, this new snapper would rival any grouper I ever had in food intake to body weight ratio!:eek: And fast as a grouper too, wow, news to me.
[EDIT] - I checked out that name you gave me Bo, and started my search from there. I found out what it is - holey schmoley 89cm! link for a picture/drawing :)

beach bum

Just wondering how you could buy it and not know what it is.
I don't quite understand what you mean by that. Are you saying that my not knowing the scientific name means I don't know anything about it? This may be news to you but LFS's mislabel things all the time. I knew it wasn't exactly what they said it was, but I have a decent enough knowledge of fish to predict it's needs and particulars, snapper care and behavior is fairly uniform between species. And just knowing a name means nothing if you don't know what the care requirements are.
When buying something that is rare enough that it is hard to identify even in Burgess's Atlas this can be expected.
And no it is not a damsel. I'll take that to mean you think it's pretty.


Heh. Didn't meen to offend you. Maybe I didn't understand the question. "Can anyone identify this snapper?" Sounded to me like you didn't know what kind of fish you had only that it was a snapper. Maybe I am just spoiled because my LFS guy can identify just about any fish in the hobby. No mislabeling there. Well I take that back he does mislabel his fresh water fish but he is a salty guy.