Snial Questions!


So I have baught a hefty number of snails and crabs since ive had my tank(normal)
in my tank i have a few small fish and a snowflake eel and a few starfish
everytime i get a snial it dies that day due to murder. the first time the hermitt crab attacked the snail in less then 2 minutes. the other day i found my sfe with his head inside the shell of my other snail.
do i have a snail conspericy against me or is this natural


I thought I was the only one. I had crabs first and then added snails...well needless to say i have more crabs in inhabiting snail shells than snails :notsure: Out of 20 I think I have about 3 snails left
Maybe the conspiracy is world wide :confused: But I did notice that the crabs "jumped" on the snails harassing them as soon as they were introduced to the tank. So well I figured that about my luck :rolleyes: But i guess this time it is not just me!


Its natural. Your crabs will try to find a bigger shell to go into as they grow. So maybe you should throw some empty shells in there for them.


Thats the thing....I myself have alot of extra shells in the tank....I think my crabs just want what the snails have :yes:


Yup, survival of the fittest.
You are just seeing the crabs acting naturally. I have tons of extra shells, but the little buggers like certain shells, and they love to show off the snail shell thy just got.
Oh well...


I heard some hermits can be pretty aggresive. Such as blue legs.
Thats why i only have scarlets along with my cerith and nas. snails.
They could be hungry also.
My cleaner shrimp that just passed away, used to murder a scarlet every week if i did not feed it.
I had to feed it krill on a stick.