Snipping a branch off a Kenya tree


A bottom branch of my Kenya tree will in a few weeks be long enough to touch a Ricordea below. Would it be okay to go in the tank with a sharp scissors or razor and snip the branch?
I've seen instruction on fragging these but haven't seen one where they leave the tree in the tank while cutting.


Originally Posted by ChrisW4111
So its not gonna bleed poison all over the tank then? Good to know, i'll be performing the surgery tomorrow
LOL...I hope not, I have ripped them right off the rocks of my 54G


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I hope not, I have ripped them right off the rocks of my 54G

Man.. my LFS will give me $5 for every Kenya tree frag. If I ripped off half the branches of my two trees I'd be RICH! So tempting...
When I feed my tank with turkey baster I turn off pump and fan, and spray a little at the trees. Then they close up until the pump/fan comes back on. Have you noticed this? Do they close cause they're eating Cyclopese or cause they don't like me spraying food at them?


They probably close from the movement. Just wait...these things grow like weeds....I wish I had a lfs that I could sell mine to LOL
I toss them in the refugium