Snot slime coming from Chaeto


Active Member
I think the chaeto is where it's coming from but I'm not sure. Just in the last day, My Micron Sock filled up and it's covered with snot. Like seriously slimy nasty snot.
Has anybody had this happen?


Active Member
Well, I took it out. I don't have a refugium in that tank and just had it in a eggcrate box in the main display. The Chaeto looks whiter than it normally is. The only thing I have done lately is move it from one side of the tank to another.


I have read about cheato and I am sure that I read that when it starts turning white it is becoming sexual? which I think is bad because it could be toxic.
Wish I could help ya more


Cheato does not go sexual when it turns white it's dead

calupra goes sexual and its toxic

what kind of light are you running and did you do anything in the last week to your tank?
do you have more flow or better lighting on one side of your tank?


Active Member
Well, it wasn't the chaeto.
It did it again. The only common denominator I can think of is the fact that I had just replaced the filter sock both times. Funny thing is that I use the same socks, washed the same way, on all 3 of my big tanks. The 75 is the only one that has done this.


My cheato gets like that when it gets too thick and when I don't flip it. When It gets real thick I rip out half of it and throw it away. I grows back real fast.


Active Member
It's vermetid snails. I've got them and they do it every now and again. I've located and killed two but I know I've got more. They make my filter slime up like yellow phlem snot. That's my guess.
Ricky chaeto seems to like brisk flow but it's perfectly fine to flip it.


Active Member
Earlybird, I have vermatids as well, but this is overwhelming. I took some pics and video but the vid was taking forever to upload. Friggin Hughes net.
Also both times the skimmer was overflowing unexpectadly. Not sure if the slime created the overflow... or was a result of...



Active Member
Originally Posted by helpme74
Cheato does not go sexual when it turns white it's dead

calupra goes sexual and its toxic

what kind of light are you running and did you do anything in the last week to your tank?
do you have more flow or better lighting on one side of your tank?
Yep white Chaeto is dead. The strands that are exposed to air too long in my fuge is over full turn white.
Oh and yes it needs to tumbled or be turned over reguraly.


Active Member
Exactly what I have. I'm 99% sure it's vermetid snails. My skimmer goes nuts when this happens to me also. Have you recently switched or changed your flow?


Active Member
Earlybird, I think I found the problem. Dinoflagellates. I found an article in reefkeeping that nails it exactly.
Now, to treat it.