snow flake eel


My eel hasn't came out in over 5 days. I can see him hiding in his usual spot inside 1 of the rocks so I know he is still alive and breathing, he just won't come out to eat. Is this normal behavior or should I be concerned?


Active Member
Have you looked in the tank at night? Thats when they are the most active. Has he eaten? What size tank, what size eel, other inhabitants?


The eel is about 10 inches long. Currently he is in a 90 gallon tank with a humu humu trigger and a blue dot puffer. He has been eating frozen food off of a feeder stick. Nothing has changed, water tests fine. I have had him for 3 months without any problems eating until now.


They go on hunger strikes every once in a while and they can survive months without food. He should come out of it


Well the eel finally came out and ate. Then he decided he was in the mood for a taste of lion fish
. So, needless to say, no more eel, but my zebra lion is doing well.