snow flake eels


Active Member
yaa id go with the size check, if its anywhere from about 6" up i think itll eat it, maybe smaller, in truth its the girth of the eel


ive kept a 15 inch snowflake eel with some half inch damsels and they lived a long time toghther like 2 years it usually just depends on how well you feed him and the temper of the eel :happyfish


I just got a SFE last week. Must have been very well behaved. LFS had it for over 6 months and when I got him he was in a 20g high with seahorses and a 1.5 inch queen angel. The first time I saw the QA I thought it was a damsel, it was soooo small.


it also depends on what type of fish
if its a bottom fish like a small goby then its probally fair game.
But if its a trigger i doubt the eel would get it


Active Member
SFE aren't piscavores (sp?) by nature, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Also they're mostly blind so unless it was hanging right in front of his/her nose it is unlikely. That being said, crazy things sometimes happen so although unlikely It's possible if it is big enough to actually fit the fish in his mouth.


I understand the fact that sfe are not fish eater but in aquarium life if it fits in their mouth its fair game
Take my harlequin tusk for an example
would a tusk in the wild eat romain lettuce with an emperor angel? Not a chance but in a tank my harlequin loves it