

I did add one blueleg hermit crab to the tank monday and he has been doing fine so far. I heard so much stuff, I was not sure about things. if you going to spend the amount of money for a 90 that i am building and a 220 gal in the future, you got to do reseach and testing alittle.
I have a ca suppliment and i am waiting for the amm to drop. Iam useing red sea test kit with match the colors, so i might be off alittle on the Alk.
thanks for the input,


you might want to look into a better test kit if you plan on getting corals in the future. i've heard that they can be pretty inaccurate sometimes, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
inverts are also very sensative to ammonia and nitrites, so i suggest not adding anything else until your ammonia is 0.


i've heard from many many people that salifert is very reliable. That's the kind i use, and it seems very accurate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
i've heard from many many people that salifert is very reliable. That's the kind i use, and it seems very accurate.
I use Salifert as well. Notice, if Chickadee and I both endorse it then it must be good. After all, we have an alliance together and are both from Ohio. I just slipped down south.


Thanks chickadee, i am going to get some new testing supplies. right now i have tryed rio powerheads and I bought a new aquaclear powerhead. Trying things now so I have a good feel for the bigger tanks, and not wanting to kill any thing in the process!


well, robert, glad to know you're doing your research! although, it's actually easier (although much more expensive) to maintain a larger tank. You have a larger room for error. So know that your tank, you have a small margin for error, so a death in your tank will cause a lot more ammonia ppm than it would in a larger tank. Just want you to know so that you're prepared.

and we still need a name...


I put my LR in and threw in a cocktail shrimp with it the first week!
Did not like the Ammonia spike, went to giant eagle and purchase the biggest jumbo raw cocktail shrimp in the place and put that in. four weeks later and i think i am somewhere between the o color and the .25 color. wanted a good build up in there.

chickadee, what do you mean when you say you need a name?


oh, lol, i was talking to shogun... we've formed an alliance, but we don't have a name yet... :thinking:
Did your ammonia spike up more than that within the last 4 weeks, or is that the worst it's gotten? I'm assuming that since your nitrates are at 20, it must have spiked a little more than that.


I got it to 3.5 with the Ammonia and the nitrate was around 80 , did water chages to bring it down as not to kill everything!


me too, but i don't ask them for advice. last time i did that, they gave all of the wrong answers, but luckily i knew the right ones. Their fish seem to be pretty decently healthy, although i see some not-so-healthy ones. A really good store is in cleveland (near parma on ridge rd.) called aquarium adventure. They didn't have many corals when i went, and they're a little more expensive, but i trust their fish more... they're all pretty healthy.


I did a lot of research on this site and a few books too. Don't really ask them anything, just buy a crab or two. When in Cleveland at the IX center i visit RMS middleburg store but will check this one out too! thanks,


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
me too, but i don't ask them for advice. last time i did that, they gave all of the wrong answers, but luckily i knew the right ones. Their fish seem to be pretty decently healthy, although i see some not-so-healthy ones. A really good store is in cleveland (near parma on ridge rd.) called aquarium adventure. They didn't have many corals when i went, and they're a little more expensive, but i trust their fish more... they're all pretty healthy.

The Aquarium Adventure in Columbus stinks. They have practically no coral and all of their tangs ALWAYS have ich. Plus, they are ridiculously expensive.


Hi alyssia

I did not know that they were a chain, or a few of them. I must say sometimes lfs move old products around from store to store!