snowflake bossing around stars and stripes?



So I introduced my quarantined, 4 inch stars and stripes puffer with my 11 inch snowflake today. The snowflake's mouth is no more than half an inch big and I do feed him everyday. he gave the puffer a run for his money during feeding time in the afternoon. Eels lack, great eyesight, well mine does at least, so he must have figured that the puffer was a very large morsel of food because he tried biting him several times to the point where I had to separate him to one side of the tank and feed him by himself. I fed the eel more than I typicaly do to keep him satisfied and the puffer also ate his fair share. Is this normal for a snowflake to be so bold and ballsy towards a plump puffer who he can't even get his mouth around? The eel goes after my algae scrubber on a stick as well too. What experiences have you guys had?


Active Member
The only issues I've ever had with aggression with my sfe is when he goes after my fingers instead of the piece of krill I try to hand-feed him

However, he is only about eight inches right now...


Ive seen a eel kill a lionfish by biting him repeatedly. your puffer wont stand a chance. I hope you really like your eel.


Originally Posted by rad
Ive seen a eel kill a lionfish by biting him repeatedly. your puffer wont stand a chance. I hope you really like your eel.
Um... yah... I'm not liking my eel too much today. The snowflake harassed my stars and stipes, didn't wound him but annoyed the crap out of him and me! Seriously thinking about parting ways with him especially if he is going to be this aggressive when he was supposed to be more peaceful. I will keep a tight watch on them but I will not give up my puffer... three hours later.... snowflake will be gone tomorrow. He is being a ---- and he is being to restrictive as to what I can put in there with him. No way am I going to take a chance with his blind ass harassing future tank mates.


eel is gone! woohoo! I am at peace of mind now. The lfs put him in a tank with 2 snowflakes 3/4 his size and he bullied them out of thier burrow and bit one of them on the tail. Even the store owner said that he was being overly aggressive and that he was surprised. So good luck to you guys with snowflakes. Every fish is different and hopefully you guys will be successful with a timid specimen