Snowflake Eal

Is a top a must if you wan't to have a Eal? most likely it will be a Snowflake Eal, and they don't get to big compared other kinds.


well a yellow is gonna get way to big soon u will need at least 100 gallon and the eel will outgrow it but not as quick jus as long as u have enough hiding spots
Yeah I have some really nice LR from a buddys tank, I plan to make a nice home for him. But I've seen tangs last over a year in a friends 28g biocube, he does have a 55 for it once it gets agressive or just to to big, but it seems to be really happy..its only with 2 clowns, Mine will only be with my 2 false percs and a lawnmower blenny, and the eal. My jbj arrives in a few days, i'll be posting my diary so you can check it out :)


1 yellow tang + 2 false perculas + 1 lawnmower blenny + 1 snowflake eel / 1 28g tank = 1 28g tank crash
Not at all :)...because there's already a 24 with all of that and more in it, and it's doing fine so far...he actually has a diary in Nano section. He gave me the idea of the eel, because I've always thought having an eel would be pretty sick for a little while, and I love tangs to much to not have one atleast for a little bit, eventually he'll be in a 55 or an 85g. Also having such a good quality tank like the JBJ helps.


You're heading for disaster. Ask around. It would only be a matter of time with a bioload like that.
I see to many hobbyist add things they're not SUPPOSE to add, but turn out I'm going to take my chances...the eel is not going in for a little while if he even does, but I deff. adding my tang :) I wan't to do more research on the eels before I add one and make sure I know how to feed him 2-3 times a week etc.


I feel sorry for the tang. It's not a fish that should be kept in a nano tank. I'm not the tang police and I think they exagerate a lot of the time, but to keep a yellow in a 28gal is way cruel to the fish. Even if it's small, it still needs a lot of swimming space.


I understand how much you want the fish, but this will be torture for them. Please reconsider, for their sake.