Snowflake eel and lionfish compatibility??


I have a 55 gal with a big snowflake eel and a few crabs.
Can I add a lionfish?
Compatibility problems?


Active Member
The snowflake eel and the lionfish should get along just fine. In my aggressive tank, this is the only fish that my eel is completely indifferent to. The other fish have had to learn to stay away from the eel during feedings. As for the crabs, they can always end up on the menu with large carnivorous fish. Some might say your tank is too small, but I definately think you will be fine, just means you will need to be more vigilant on keep the water quality good.


I had a, 18" engineer goby and a 12" lion. never seen the lion look at the goby at all.
Of course eels are a bit dfferent, but similar size.


New Member
I had a 10" lionfish and a 14" snowflake eel in my 75g tank for a few years and they did fine together....tell my starfish ate a huge hermit crab and its shell and died when I was on vacation. Killed everything in my tank except for the eel. Hes a trooper and still alive!


A 55 gal tank is WAY too small for an adult Pterois volitans (assuming this is the lion in question). This fish reaches a minimum length of 12" and requires at least an 18" wide tank to comfortably turn around in. You're looking at 100 gals min, and I'd even recommend the 48" x 24" x 20" 100 gal over the "standard".
You could go with one of the medium-bodied lions such as P. antenatta, P. mombassae, or P. radiata in that size setup. Based on my experience with SFE's, I'm not so sure I'd trust one with a Dendrochirus sp.


Originally Posted by saxman http:///forum/thread/381688/snowflake-eel-and-lionfish-compatibility#post_3326868
A 55 gal tank is WAY too small for an adult Pterois volitans (assuming this is the lion in question). This fish reaches a minimum length of 12" and requires at least an 18" wide tank to comfortably turn around in. You're looking at 100 gals min, and I'd even recommend the 48" x 24" x 20" 100 gal over the "standard".
You could go with one of the medium-bodied lions such as P. antenatta, P. mombassae, or P. radiata in that size setup. Based on my experience with SFE's, I'm not so sure I'd trust one with a Dendrochirus sp.
I had a big one in my 90 gallin and he was a even a bit cramped in there with the LR.