Snowflake eel and Valentini Puffer?

i have a 30 gall with 3" DSB and 20lbs of LR and it has been set up for more than a year, i was wanting to get a snowflake moray and a valentini puffer, would that work? I have had a black edged moray and a humu humu trigger in the same tank before, and they got along perfectly. what do you think about this idea?


Active Member
The animals will get along fine, but as stated, it's a tight squeeze as the sfe starts to grow.
I also have an empty 50 gall. If i can find a place to put it, once the lil fish grow, i can transfer them to the 50. If i bought the puffer and eel small, how long could they live in the 30 gal comfortably?